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Uro Basti Therapy

What is Uro Basti Therapy?

Uro Basti is an Ayurvedic treatment done to combat with various circulatory and respiratory diseases. Ura means chest area, this clears that the therapy is dedicated to treating the chest area. The treatment is done with the help of herbal oil and it is also popular as herbal oil treatment. It focuses on the chest area of patients where oil is applied and decoctions into the colon through the rectum. This therapy is suggested for the patients to reduce or treat the pain affecting the sternum in the chest area. In the entire process medicated oil bunds in the chest area for a specific period for different patients.

The paste of wheat powder or black gram powder is used to bund the medicated oil on the chest that helps to seal the oil completely. With this, Uro Basti is an important therapy of Panchakarma and is very useful for various chest problems.

Diseases benefitted with Uro Basti treatment:-

Uro Basti therapy provides relief to various chest problems. It improves the blood circulation system; strengthen the neuromuscular system and connective tissues in the area of the heart of a body. With this, the therapy is highly preferred to treat various heart disease, asthma, muscular chest pain, respiratory problems, etc. Uro Vasti also benefit to strengthen and revitalize the heart, regulates heart function and rhythms and ischemic heart diseases.

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