An ISO Certified Ayurveda Medicine

Ayurveda Speciality Clinic

All treatment are done by Specialist MD (AYU)

Vaman Therapy

What is the Vaman Therapy?

Vaman is one of the five therapies of panchakarma in Ayurveda. Vaman means therapeutic vomiting which is a medicated emesis. It is targeted to expel increased kapha dosha out of the body it causes certain types diseases such as cold, cough etc. Kapha is situated in the chest region expelling in from the oral route is very easy hence vaman treatment is designed to expel it out first forcefully brought from the extremities and different organs into the stomach and then vomiting is induced.


Before vaman you may be asked to drink a specific type of ghee for 3 to 7 days it is usually gradually increased day by day in emergency conditions the ghee consumption may be advised for 1 day only in which case it usually mixed with rock salt this process of drinking ghee is called snehakarma or oletion therapy.After 3 to 7 days of ghee consumption you will be advised to undergo oil massage with steam at that day, night, you will be given kapha increasing diet such as sweet curd black gram vada etc. On the day before vaman. Kapha dosha is excited in the patient by administering drink and at night meal rise with curd.


1. Lightness in the chest is often experienced after undergoing the vaman

2. People analyses things more efficiently, promotes good voice and good appetite.

3. In ancient days vaman was said to be given to one, after consumption of poison or food poisoning which is today followed by stomach wash in modern science.

4. After vaman, the sinuses are cleared which in turn provides relief from congestion, wheezing and breathlessness.

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